Symptom 3: Enlarged Pores

A closer look at a rhinophyma-affected nose reveals more than just bumps and uneven skin. The pores, those tiny openings on the skin’s surface, seem to shout for attention with their enlarged appearance. Unlike the occasional flare-up when pores might seem a tad bigger due to a hot day or a strenuous workout, with rhinophyma, the enlargement is persistent.
Delving into the reasons, as the skin thickens and the sebaceous glands go into overdrive, these pores stretch. Imagine them as little elastic bands. A bit of stretching, and they return to their original state. But continuous stretching, day in and day out, leaves them widened, unable to snap back.
Functionally, bigger pores can spell trouble. Their size makes them perfect traps for dirt, grime, and excess oils. With more space to harbor these impurities, the chances of clogging increase manifold. And clogged pores aren’t just an aesthetic issue; they can lead to more severe skin concerns like blackheads, acne, or even infections.
But, all’s not bleak. With the right skincare regimen focused on deep cleansing, exfoliation, and periodic professional treatments, the situation can be managed. It’s also a good idea to invest in non-comedogenic products, ensuring that they don’t contribute further to the clogging. (3)