Symptom 9: Appearance of Visible Blood Vessels

The appearance of visible blood vessels, commonly referred to as telangiectasias, is more than just skin deep. For individuals with rhinophyma, this isn’t an occasional blemish or the result of aging; it’s a pronounced, and often, persistent symptom of their condition. These tiny blood vessels, appearing like red spider webs or tree branches, often weave a noticeable pattern across the nose.
At its core, rhinophyma is a subtype of rosacea, which is characterized by inflammation. This inflammation, coupled with the constant dilation and constriction of the blood vessels, leads to their weakening and eventual breakage. Over time, these broken vessels start accumulating right beneath the skin’s surface, resulting in the spider-web like patterns.
The visual aspect of these telangiectasias is the most obvious concern. It can be quite pronounced and hard to mask, leading many to feel self-conscious. But there’s more to it. The weakened blood vessels can also cause discomfort, manifesting as a pulsating sensation or even a constant itch.
For many, the key question is – can these be erased? The answer is yes, to an extent. There are modern dermatological procedures, like laser therapy or electrocautery, specifically designed to target and eliminate these visible blood vessels. These treatments work by either shrinking the vessels or sealing them off. Regular sessions can reduce their visibility, if not remove them completely. (9)