10 Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer) You Shouldn’t Ignore

9. Heartburn: The Fiery Reminder of Gastric Discontent

Heartburn The Fiery Reminder of Gastric Discontent

While occasional heartburn after a spicy meal or an indulgence is common, persistent heartburn can be more than just a consequence of food choices. This burning sensation, often rising from the stomach to the throat, could be a sign of an underlying gastric ulcer.

Stomach ulcers can exacerbate the acidity of the stomach. When this acid moves up into the esophagus, it creates the characteristic burning sensation known as heartburn. This isn’t just a simple annoyance—it’s a sign that the ulcer might be disrupting the stomach’s natural pH balance.

Experiencing heartburn regularly, especially outside the context of dietary choices, should ring alarm bells. If you find relief from antacids but the problem persists, it’s indicative of a deeper issue, with the gastric ulcer being a prime suspect. (9)

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