10 Symptoms of Tabes Dorsalis: An Essential Health Rundown

5. Bladder Dysfunction: The Unspoken Challenge of Tabes Dorsalis

Bladder Dysfunction The Unspoken Challenge of Tabes Dorsalis

Among the many symptoms, bladder dysfunction stands out as an especially challenging one, mainly because of its profound impact on daily life. It’s not just about frequent trips to the restroom; it’s about loss of control, unexpected urges, and the constant fear of accidents.

Initially, it might start subtly — perhaps the need to urinate becomes slightly more frequent, or there might be an occasional inability to empty the bladder completely. But as tabes dorsalis progresses, these symptoms can escalate, affecting an individual’s confidence and freedom.

The cause? Degeneration of the spinal cord’s dorsal columns, leading to a disruption in the neural pathways that control bladder function. The bladder, like any organ, needs precise commands from the nervous system. When these commands go haywire, the bladder’s functioning becomes erratic. (5)

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