10 Symptoms of Tabes Dorsalis: An Essential Health Rundown

6. Deafness: The Silent Onset of Tabes Dorsalis

Deafness The Silent Onset of Tabes Dorsalis

Hearing loss in tabes dorsalis isn’t immediate or abrupt. It’s a slow fade, a gradual turning down of the volume of the world until silence pervades. While not experienced by all with the condition, those who do face it find it to be among the most isolating symptoms.

Initially, it might just be the higher pitches that become elusive. The chirping of birds, the tinkling of a bell — they become distant, almost as if they’re moving away. Over time, this can progress, encompassing more sounds, making conversations and interactions challenging.

Behind the scenes, the degenerative processes of tabes dorsalis affect the auditory pathways. The cochlear nerve, responsible for transmitting sound signals to the brain, gets compromised, leading to this gradual hearing decline.

The silent progression of deafness brings with it challenges that go beyond the mere loss of sound. It impacts social interactions, the joy of music, the simple pleasure of hearing a loved one’s voice. It’s a shift from a world of sound to one of vibrations and silence. (6)

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