10 Symptoms of Tabes Dorsalis: An Essential Health Rundown

8. Charcot Joints: The Silent Saboteurs of Tabes Dorsalis

Charcot Joints The Silent Saboteurs of Tabes Dorsalis

Charcot joints, or neuropathic arthropathy, is like a termite infestation within the body. It’s a complication where joints undergo rapid destruction, and just like termites silently eating away at wood, these joints deteriorate without causing much initial pain.

These joints can become swollen, deformed, and unstable. The frightening part is that, due to the nerve damage in tabes dorsalis, pain isn’t felt until substantial damage has occurred, making early detection challenging.

What’s happening beneath the surface? The damaged nerves can’t relay pain signals efficiently. So, even if a joint is under duress or injured, the brain doesn’t get the memo. Consequently, a person might continue using the joint, exacerbating the damage.

Witnessing a joint change shape or lose function is undoubtedly daunting. A foot may turn inwards, a knee might bend awkwardly, or an ankle could swell up disproportionately. These visible changes are often what drive individuals to seek insights.(8)

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