Symptom 10: A Feeling of Fullness Without Eating Much

Feeling satiated after a hearty meal is one thing. But what if that feeling of fullness strikes even after consuming a minimal amount of food? It’s a sensation that can be disconcerting, especially if it becomes a recurring theme during meal times.
As melena revolves around internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, it can lead to inflammation or even obstruction in certain parts of the stomach or intestines. This, in turn, can cause early satiety or a feeling of fullness without having eaten much. It’s like the body is sending false signals about its nutritional needs.
The stomach expands and contracts based on the amount of food it needs to process. But if there’s an issue, like internal bleeding or an associated ulcer, it might not expand as it should. Thus, even a small amount of food can cause the sensation of being overly full.
If someone consistently feels full after consuming just a few bites, it’s time to pay attention. Especially when this symptom is accompanied by others indicative of melena, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional. A series of tests can provide clarity on the underlying cause and guide the way forward. (10)