10 Telltale Signs of Iron Deficiency in Women: Unmasking the Hidden Symptoms

Sign 7. Cold Hands and Feet: A Chilling Sign of Iron Deficiency

Cold Hands and Feet A Chilling Sign of Iron Deficiency

Cold hands and feet aren’t always a result of a chilly environment; they could signal an iron deficiency. Iron is critical for maintaining proper blood circulation, as it helps transport oxygen to the body’s cells. A shortage of this nutrient can result in less blood flow to your extremities, causing them to feel cold.

Women with iron deficiency may notice that their hands and feet feel cold even when the surrounding temperature is comfortable. This symptom can be particularly bothersome during colder months or in air-conditioned environments. Poor circulation due to iron deficiency isn’t just uncomfortable. It can cause numbness, muscle cramps, and even affect your body’s ability to heal wounds.

But how do you know if your cold hands and feet are due to iron deficiency? If you’ve noticed this symptom along with others like fatigue, paleness, or hair loss, it’s worth getting your iron levels checked.(7)

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