10 Telltale Signs of Multiple Myeloma: An In-Depth Examination

Sign 3: Susceptibility to Infections

Susceptibility to Infections

When it comes to our body’s defense mechanisms, multiple myeloma throws a wrench in the works. The disease impacts the immune system, making patients more prone to infections. But why does this occur? The answer lies in the very nature of plasma cells—the cells that multiple myeloma targets.

Plasma cells play a pivotal role in immunity. They produce antibodies—proteins designed to combat invaders like viruses and bacteria. However, with multiple myeloma, there’s a proliferation of abnormal plasma cells, which, instead of assisting, hinder the immune response.

These rogue cells not only crowd out healthy ones but also produce faulty antibodies. These dysfunctional antibodies fail to protect the body, making patients vulnerable to recurrent infections. Common ailments like the flu or urinary tract infections might become frequent visitors, with recovery periods stretching longer than usual.

Moreover, treatments for multiple myeloma, like chemotherapy, can further weaken the immune response. It’s a double-edged sword; while these treatments attack cancerous cells, they also inadvertently reduce the number of healthy cells. (3)

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