10 Telltale Signs of Multiple Myeloma: An In-Depth Examination

Sign 9: Frequent Constipation

Frequent Constipation

Digestive health, often overshadowed by more overt symptoms, holds profound significance in the well-being of multiple myeloma patients. Among the myriad digestive challenges, frequent constipation emerges as a particularly distressing concern. It’s more than just physical discomfort; it’s a sign that the body’s waste elimination system is not operating optimally.

So, why would a blood-related ailment like multiple myeloma impact digestion? Elevated calcium levels, a frequent accompaniment of bone damage in myeloma, can slow down the gut, leading to constipation. But there’s more. The medications, especially painkillers like opioids that are often prescribed to manage bone pain, are notorious for causing constipation.

Prolonged constipation isn’t a stand-alone issue. It can lead to a cascade of complications, from painful hemorrhoids and anal fissures to a generalized feeling of bloating and malaise. The mental toll, with feelings of irritability and frustration, can be equally challenging.

Combatting constipation requires both dietary and lifestyle interventions. Increasing fluid intake, enriching the diet with fiber through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and ensuring regular physical activity can all contribute to alleviating this symptom. In chronic cases, a consultation with a gastroenterologist might be warranted.

Knowledge is the first step in empowerment. Understanding that constipation is a tangible concern for many multiple myeloma patients offers a route to seek solutions. It underscores the significance of comprehensive care, where even “minor” symptoms are addressed with the gravity they deserve. (9)

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