10 Telltale Signs of Protein in Urine (Proteinuria)

Sign 3: Fatigue


Fatigue is more than just the occasional tiredness that follows a late night or strenuous activity. This profound, unyielding exhaustion seems to linger, affecting day-to-day activities. It feels like a weight pulling down every muscle and thought, making the simplest tasks feel like monumental challenges. Now, while many reasons might cause fatigue, few suspect the subtle and stealthy onset of proteinuria.

The kidneys are central to our body’s detoxification process. Acting as natural filters, they keep our blood clean and free from harmful substances. But what happens when they don’t function optimally? The toxins that should ideally be flushed out start building up. With proteinuria, this accumulation is more pronounced. Instead of being filtered, these toxins remain, causing the body to overwork, leading to that persistent feeling of tiredness.

It isn’t just about the toxins, though. There’s a domino effect in play. As protein leaks into the urine, the body’s production of a hormone called erythropoietin takes a hit. This hormone is essential for the formation of red blood cells. Fewer red blood cells mean a reduced capacity to transport oxygen. The heart and muscles then strain to function on this limited oxygen supply, manifesting as fatigue.

The best approach when faced with unexplained fatigue is to seek professional advice. A simple urinalysis can reveal if proteins are seeping into your urine. Catching proteinuria early can make all the difference, allowing for timely interventions and treatments. Your energy levels are not just about feeling good; they’re indicative of your overall health. So, if fatigue is your shadow, it’s time to shine a light on its cause. (3)

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