10 Telltale Signs of Protein in Urine (Proteinuria)

Sign 5: Shortness of Breath

Shortness of Breath

Breathing, an involuntary act, sustains our very existence. But when each inhalation becomes a conscious effort, and breaths become shallow and rapid, it’s alarming. Surprisingly, this seemingly unrelated symptom can be tied back to proteinuria.

The kidneys’ efficiency determines how well excess fluid is filtered out of the body. Proteinuria hampers this filtration process. So, where does this unfiltered fluid go? A portion might end up in the lungs. Imagine trying to inflate a balloon that’s partially filled with water. This fluid presence in the lungs makes each breath laborious.

One wouldn’t immediately link the kidneys and lungs. However, in the context of proteinuria, their connection becomes evident. When kidneys falter, more than just proteins find their way into the urine. Essential elements are lost, and toxins stay back, indirectly affecting lung function and manifesting as shortness of breath.

No one should have to struggle for something as fundamental as breathing. It’s crucial to understand that shortness of breath is more than just an inconvenience; it’s a health red flag. Consulting a medical professional can provide clarity, and if proteinuria is the culprit, early detection can guide the way to appropriate treatments. (5)

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