10 Telltale Signs of Protein in Urine (Proteinuria)

Sign 6: Frequent Need to Urinate

Frequent Need to Urinate

Those nightly trips to the bathroom, breaking the peaceful spell of sleep, are more than just inconvenient; they could be indicative of a deeper concern. A sudden increase in the urge to urinate, especially during nighttime, isn’t a mere coincidence. It might be signaling the onset of proteinuria.

The human kidneys aren’t just filters; they are meticulous regulators, ensuring the body retains the right amount of fluid. However, when proteinuria enters the scene, they tend to work overtime. Their desperate attempts to expel excess proteins result in increased urine production, leading to those frequent bathroom visits.

Taking note of such seemingly insignificant changes in one’s urination pattern can be pivotal in diagnosing conditions like proteinuria early on. The road to health is always smoother with early detection and intervention. If the call of nature becomes too frequent, perhaps it’s nature’s way of saying something’s amiss. (6)

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