10 Telltale Symptoms of Bowel Obstruction You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 2: Vomiting


If you’ve ever been on a roller coaster, you know that stomach-churning feeling just before a steep drop. Now, imagine feeling that way, but off the ride, and experiencing repeated bouts of vomiting. That’s a glimpse into what bowel obstruction sufferers go through.

Vomiting in the context of bowel obstruction isn’t merely a one-off event. It’s repetitive, forceful, and often accompanied by an offensive odor. But why this intense reaction? As the blockage prevents food and drink from navigating the intestines, the body’s natural response is to expel what it can’t process, leading to vomiting.

It’s a distressing cycle, really. You consume food, hoping for nourishment, but the blockage, acting like a stern gatekeeper, denies its passage. The stomach, overwhelmed and unable to process the incoming load, reacts the only way it knows: by pushing it out. This cyclical vomiting is not just physically taxing but emotionally draining as well.

Moreover, prolonged vomiting can lead to dehydration, a secondary concern that can exacerbate the patient’s overall condition. It’s not just the loss of fluids but essential nutrients and electrolytes, which are vital for bodily functions. This can result in weakness, dizziness, and even fainting. (2)

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