10 Telltale Symptoms of Bowel Obstruction You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 5: Loss of Appetite

Loss of Appetite

Ever been so immersed in a gripping book or movie that you forget to eat? Now, imagine feeling that lack of appetite constantly, even when you’re not distracted. That’s what many with bowel obstruction experience. It’s like the body’s natural hunger signals have gone haywire.

Due to the blockage, food doesn’t pass through smoothly, leading to an accumulation in the digestive tract. The body instinctively reacts by suppressing hunger, as a protective measure to prevent further intake. Consequently, the very thought of food becomes unappealing.

But it’s not just about food aversion. There’s often an accompanying sensation of fullness, even without eating. It’s as if you’ve had a grand feast when, in reality, you’ve barely had a bite. This constant feeling of being “stuffed” further diminishes the appetite.

Moreover, a loss of appetite, if prolonged, can lead to unintentional weight loss. It’s a double whammy, really. On one hand, you’re not consuming enough nutrients, and on the other, the obstruction prevents proper absorption. (5)

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