Symptom 3: Jaundice

Jaundice, characterized by a noticeable yellowing of the skin and eyes, can be quite alarming. While several factors can cause jaundice, in the context of cholecystitis, it’s often due to an obstruction of bile flow. When bile doesn’t flow as it should, bilirubin, a yellow compound, accumulates in the bloodstream, tinting the skin and eyes.
The gallbladder plays a crucial role in releasing bile into the intestines, aiding digestion. But, when inflammation sets in, this process can get hampered. Over time, if the bile duct remains obstructed, it leads to the characteristic yellowing that’s hard to miss.
But why does this obstruction happen? The culprits are often gallstones. These hard particles can block the bile duct, disrupting the normal flow of bile and leading to cholecystitis. Sometimes, the inflammation itself can cause the duct to constrict, further exacerbating the issue.
Jaundice isn’t just a superficial symptom; it’s a beacon highlighting severe underlying complications. When detected, it’s imperative to seek medical intervention immediately. Delaying can lead to worsening of the condition and other health repercussions. (3)