Symptom 4: Nausea and Vomiting

Feeling queasy once in a while is something we’ve all experienced. But when nausea becomes a frequent visitor and brings along its uncomfortable companion, vomiting, it’s time to dig deeper. Persistent nausea and vomiting, especially when paired with other symptoms of cholecystitis, can be more than just a passing phase or a bad meal.
When the gallbladder gets inflamed, it can cause disruptions in the digestive process. The body, sensing something’s off, might react by trying to expel what it deems harmful. This response is where nausea and vomiting come into the picture.
Moreover, the type and timing of the nausea can offer clues. Post-meal discomfort, particularly after consuming fatty foods, can be a direct result of the gallbladder’s compromised function. Remember, this organ plays a crucial role in fat digestion, and when it’s not at its best, digestive disturbances ensue.(4)