10 Telltale Symptoms of Cold Sores: What You Need to Know

Symptom 6: Fever and Fatigue

Fever and Fatigue

Often, the body’s reaction to the herpes simplex virus goes beyond the evident skin symptoms. Fever and fatigue can set in, signaling the body’s all-out attempt to combat the viral invasion. This internal turmoil, though not always present in every outbreak, can be debilitating for some.

Fever is the body’s natural way of creating an environment where viruses and bacteria find it harder to thrive. But this elevated body temperature can bring with it a set of challenges. There’s discomfort, night sweats, and a general feeling of malaise that can make even simple tasks seem like monumental challenges.

Alongside the fever, fatigue can hit hard. It’s not just the regular tiredness one feels after a long day. It’s a bone-deep exhaustion, where even getting out of bed can seem like a herculean task. The body, channeling all its energy into fighting the virus, leaves little for day-to-day activities. (6)

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