10 Telltale Symptoms of Cold Sores: What You Need to Know

Symptom 8: Sore Throat

Sore Throat

It’s no surprise that a cold sore outbreak doesn’t restrict itself to visual nuisances. The discomfort extends, with many experiencing a sore throat as part of the viral package. The throat, feeling scratchy and inflamed, can be a source of significant discomfort, making even the act of swallowing a herculean task.

Why does a virus primarily associated with the lips and mouth also impact the throat? The herpes simplex virus invades the body through mucosal surfaces, which includes the mouth and throat. When the virus activates, the immune system responds, causing inflammation not just where the cold sores form, but often deeper down in the throat.

A sore throat accompanying cold sores often has layered manifestations. There’s the obvious pain and itchiness, but that’s not where it ends. Many report a burning sensation, making hot or acidic foods a challenge. Others might notice white patches or pus on their tonsils, or even swollen, red tonsils, giving the throat a rugged, inflamed appearance.

Finding relief can be multifaceted. Warm salt gargles emerge as an age-old remedy, offering both comfort and acting as a disinfectant. Over-the-counter sprays and lozenges can offer localized relief, numbing the area momentarily. Staying hydrated keeps the throat moist, while humidifiers can add moisture to dry indoor air, providing respite. (8)

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