Symptom 10: Gastrointestinal Disturbances

We’ve all had those days where our stomach feels out of sorts. Whether it’s due to something we ate or a fleeting virus, gastrointestinal (GI) upsets are not uncommon. But when these disturbances become recurrent, prolonged, or severe, it’s crucial to acknowledge them as more than just “bad food” or “stomach flu.” Especially when other symptoms align, these GI troubles can be indicative of DLBCL.
The lymphatic system intricately intertwines with our gastrointestinal tract. Lymph nodes dotting the region play a pivotal role in immune responses, often reacting to pathogens or foreign substances. If DLBCL decides to set up camp in these lymph nodes, it can incite a series of reactions. The infiltration of lymph nodes, inflammation, or direct involvement of the GI tract by the cancerous cells can lead to the symptoms.
Not every stomach upset screams DLBCL. It’s the nature, severity, and persistence of these symptoms that should command attention. Unexplained weight loss, a persistent sense of fullness, pain, or bloating even with minimal food intake, and bouts of severe diarrhea or constipation are tell-tale signs. When these go beyond the routine, last more than a week or two, and especially when they are accompanied by some symptoms mentioned before, they warrant a deeper look.
DLBCL’s influence on the GI tract isn’t just limited to the symptoms. The disease, due to its symptoms or treatment regimens, can impact the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Patients may experience a dwindling appetite, malabsorption, or even aversions to certain foods. All these can have cascading effects on overall health, compounding the challenges of managing DLBCL.
The GI system, often dubbed the body’s second brain, has intricate ways of signaling when things aren’t right. While it’s easy to attribute disturbances to dietary choices or minor infections, persistent or severe symptoms shouldn’t be dismissed. With DLBCL as a potential underlying factor, it’s always advisable to trust one’s gut (literally) and consult with a healthcare specialist. (10)