Symptom 6: Abdominal Pain and Swelling

Abdominal discomfort can be a perplexing symptom. With so many organs tucked within the abdominal cavity, it’s a challenge to pinpoint the exact cause. Yet, when accompanied by a noticeable swelling or bloating without a clear dietary or lifestyle reason, DLBCL might be a suspect.
DLBCL can influence the lymph nodes situated within the abdomen. As the disease progresses, these nodes might enlarge, exerting pressure on adjacent organs. This pressure or inflammation can manifest as pain, a sensation of fullness, or even visible swelling in the abdomen.
A sporadic stomachache post a heavy meal is understandable. But a consistent, unexplained pain in the belly? That’s a different narrative. Especially if it’s accompanied by sensations like early satiety, where one feels full after consuming a small portion of food. Such signs should nudge individuals towards seeking a medical opinion.
Abdominal pain or swelling seldom occurs in isolation in DLBCL. It might be accompanied by other gastrointestinal signs, like nausea, vomiting, or altered bowel habits. It’s the culmination of these symptoms, their persistence and intensity, that offers clues into DLBCL’s presence. (6)