Symptom 2: Food Impaction

Ever had that sensation where food feels lodged in your throat? Most of us can relate, albeit infrequently. Now, magnify that sensation and make it a recurring issue. For children with EoE, this is not just a fleeting feeling; it’s a consistent battle known as food impaction.
At its core, food impaction is about obstruction. When the esophagus becomes inflamed due to EoE, it narrows. Combine this narrowed passage with the act of eating, and occasionally, food finds itself stuck. This can be compared to a bottleneck situation where traffic comes to a standstill, except, in this case, the traffic is the food.
The sensations can vary. Some children might feel mild discomfort, while others can experience pain. It’s distressing, to say the least. Not just for the child undergoing the sensation, but also for parents watching helplessly, wanting to alleviate their child’s distress.
Reactively, it often results in emergency room visits. Medical professionals sometimes use an endoscope to remove the obstructing food, especially if it doesn’t pass naturally. However, prevention is the more favored approach. Being vigilant about food types, especially those more prone to causing impactions like coarse or chunky foods, can help.
Being proactive, educating oneself, and having an emergency plan in place can do wonders. Children can be taught techniques to dislodge food or even understand which foods are best avoided. Such knowledge, combined with professional medical advice, can make the dining table a less daunting space for these young ones. (2)