10 Telltale Symptoms of Hypochlorhydria (Achlorhydria) You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 5: Skin Problems

Skin Problems

Our skin often mirrors our internal health. Eruptions, rashes, and unusual dryness might be the skin’s way of signaling an internal imbalance. At the root of many skin problems lies an often-overlooked culprit: the gut.

Now, you might wonder, how does stomach acid – or the lack of it – play a role here? It starts with digestion. Proper stomach acid levels ensure efficient nutrient breakdown and absorption. When this acid is low, it can result in malabsorption of critical skin-friendly nutrients like zinc, vitamin E, and B-vitamins.

Over time, deficiencies in these nutrients can manifest as skin issues. From acne to eczema and even premature aging, the spectrum of potential skin-related concerns is vast. But it doesn’t stop there.

The connection between the gut and skin, often dubbed the “gut-skin axis”, is a two-way street. Poor digestion can lead to gut imbalances. This skewed microbial balance can cause inflammation, a known trigger for several skin conditions.(5)

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