10 Telltale Symptoms of Lichen Planus: What You Need to Know

Symptom 3: Painful Sores

Painful Sores

Among the more distressing manifestations of Lichen Planus are painful sores or ulcers. These can appear both on the skin and inside the mouth, causing significant discomfort. When on the skin, these sores often start as inflamed areas around previously itchy patches. Over time, they might rupture, especially if subjected to constant scratching.

What sets these sores apart from regular wounds is their persistence. They don’t heal as quickly as one would expect, and the pain they cause can be particularly bothersome. Simple activities, like wearing tight clothes or consuming certain foods, can exacerbate the pain, depending on the sores’ location.

Within the oral cavity, these ulcers can be even more problematic. Eating becomes a challenge, and if the ulcers are large or widespread, even speaking can be painful. This limitation can have social implications, making individuals self-conscious and hesitant to engage in conversations or social events.

Managing these sores requires a multi-pronged approach. First and foremost, addressing the primary cause, which is Lichen Planus, is essential. Topical treatments can offer relief, but it’s equally crucial to prevent secondary infections, which can complicate matters. Regular cleaning and avoiding potential irritants are vital steps in managing these symptoms.

Given their potential to negatively impact one’s quality of life, it’s essential to approach these sores with the seriousness they warrant. Timely intervention, combined with preventive measures, can help manage their severity and ensure a smoother recovery journey. (3)

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