10 Telltale Symptoms of Lichen Planus: What You Need to Know

Symptom 5: Nail Damage

Nail Damage

Nail damage, though less spoken about, remains one of the formidable symptoms of Lichen Planus. Our nails, acting as shields for the delicate fingertips and enhancing our tactile abilities, are more than just cosmetic appendages. As LP sets in, it’s not uncommon to notice a transformation in their texture and appearance.

At first, the changes are subtle. You might spot fine lines running vertically or minute pits dotting the nail surface, reminiscent of a pinprick pattern. For many, these are easy to dismiss, often mistaken for regular wear and tear or nutritional deficiencies. However, these seemingly innocuous signs can be precursors to more pronounced nail damage due to LP.

As the condition intensifies, these subtle signs evolve into glaring issues. The nails may thicken considerably, making them cumbersome and prone to breakage. Brittle edges, chipping, and a general weakening of the nail structure become everyday realities. For some, the nail starts detaching from the nail bed, a condition known as onycholysis, resulting in painful and sensitive fingertips.

Beyond the visible damage, the functional implications are numerous. Daily tasks, like buttoning a shirt or typing, become cumbersome, and there’s a heightened risk of infections. A damaged nail can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, leading to further complications. The cosmetic impact, too, cannot be overlooked. Many individuals feel self-conscious, opting to hide their hands or feet to avoid unwarranted attention or judgment.

Timely intervention remains the cornerstone of managing nail damage due to Lichen Planus. Regular nail care, avoiding trauma, and seeking medical advice can prevent further deterioration. Treatment might include topical steroids or, in severe cases, more potent medications. Importantly, being proactive and understanding the condition can lead to better management and quicker recovery. (5)

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