10 Telltale Symptoms of Lichen Planus: What You Need to Know

Symptom 9: Swelling and Redness

Swelling and Redness

LP often manifests through swelling and redness, signaling the body’s immune response at play. It’s the skin’s way of highlighting the turmoil underneath, showcasing the aggressive inflammatory process that Lichen Planus initiates.

The early stages of LP might only present slight redness, perhaps mistaken for a rash or minor irritation. This redness can be diffuse or well-defined, resembling patches. The affected skin feels warm to the touch, indicating increased blood flow to the area.

As the condition escalates, the red patches begin to rise, transforming into swollen lesions. These raised patches can be tender, amplifying the discomfort when touched or rubbed against clothing. They might even ooze a clear fluid, especially if scratched or irritated.

The physical unease of dealing with red, swollen patches is evident. But there’s an added layer: the continuous itch, the pull of swollen skin, and the unpredictability of flare-ups. It becomes a constant battle, juggling between not scratching, finding suitable clothing, and managing public perceptions.

Targeted treatments, often in the form of anti-inflammatory creams or ointments, can offer relief. Cold compresses might provide temporary respite from itching. More importantly, recognizing triggers and seeking early medical intervention can prevent exacerbations and lead to longer symptom-free periods. (9)

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