10 Telltale Symptoms of Milroy’s Disease (MD) You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 8: Compromised Immune Response

Compromised Immune Response

The lymphatic system’s primary role is not just fluid drainage but also immune function. With Milroy’s Disease affecting the lymphatic system, it’s no surprise that patients often have a compromised immune response. The implications of this are far-reaching.

Lymph, the fluid in the lymphatic system, is rich in white blood cells, especially lymphocytes, which are pivotal in fighting infections. In MD, with the lymph not circulating as it should, there’s a reduction in the transport of these cells, leading to a weakened defense mechanism.

This isn’t limited to the areas with visible symptoms like swelling. The overall immune response of the body can be affected, making MD patients more susceptible to various infections, not just in the swollen areas but potentially throughout the body.(8)

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