10 Telltale Symptoms of Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid (MMP): What You Need to Know

Symptom 4: Shortness of Breath

Shortness of Breath

The breath, that vital force keeping us alive, can be hampered by MMP. When this disorder targets the trachea, which serves as the conduit for air to our lungs, the consequences can be dire. The formation of blisters within the trachea can cause it to narrow, making breathing laborious.

The narrowing of the airway isn’t a mere inconvenience. It can be life-threatening. Reduced airflow can lead to oxygen deprivation in the body’s cells and tissues. Symptoms might begin as simple fatigue but can escalate to more severe conditions, including respiratory failure in the worst cases.

Adding to the physical symptoms are the anxiety and panic that can accompany breathing difficulties. The mere act of drawing breath becomes a conscious effort, leading to heightened stress and fear. This emotional strain can further exacerbate the physical symptoms, creating a vicious cycle.

Furthermore, a compromised trachea can also make one more susceptible to respiratory infections. The presence of blisters and ulcers can be an open invitation for bacterial infections, further complicating the overall health scenario.(4)

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