10 Telltale Symptoms of Pleomorphic Adenoma: What You Must Know

Symptom 2: Facial Asymmetry

Facial Asymmetry

Face, the index of the mind, and often the first point of interaction with the world. When pleomorphic adenoma progresses, it can lead to noticeable facial asymmetry. This isn’t just a slight, natural discrepancy that everyone has. This is a pronounced difference, where one side of the face may appear swollen or larger than the other.

This asymmetry arises as the tumor, located within or near the salivary glands, starts to grow. As it expands, it can push against the surrounding tissues, causing one side of the face to look different from its counterpart. This change can be subtle at first, only noticeable upon keen observation, but as the tumor grows, the difference becomes more apparent.

The unsettling nature of this symptom is that it can be visible. It’s not just a hidden lump or an internal discomfort; it’s a change that might attract queries or concerns from loved ones. Understandably, this can be distressing, both physically and mentally, for the affected person.

Another reason for concern is that, apart from the cosmetic implications, the growth of the tumor can affect nearby nerves or tissues. This can lead to other symptoms or complications if not addressed promptly.(2)

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