Symptom 2: Fluid-Filled Cyst

The fluid-filled cyst is another distinguishing feature of ranula. Unlike other oral conditions where swellings might be solid, ranula presents itself as a cyst filled with saliva. Its transparent, bluish appearance can be both intriguing and intimidating. The consistency and color are due to the trapped saliva inside.
For many, the discovery of a cyst inside their mouth can be alarming. Questions about its origins, its nature (benign or malignant), and implications are common. The cyst, in the context of ranula, is benign. But it serves as a beacon, highlighting the mucus that has been trapped due to the blocked gland.
Furthermore, the cyst’s location, usually under the tongue, can influence its implications. A sizeable fluid-filled cyst can pose challenges in daily activities, from talking to eating. The cyst’s texture and feeling can also be unfamiliar, often described as a squishy, fluid-filled bump.(2)