Symptom 8: Sensation of “Sitting on a Ball”

Among the many symptoms of rectal prolapse, the sensation of “sitting on a ball” stands out due to its unique descriptive nature. It’s an intimate feeling, one that might be hard to articulate but is deeply felt by those experiencing it. This sensation, while seemingly abstract, is a tangible indication of the rectum’s descent.
When the rectum prolapses, it can create a bulging sensation, especially when sitting. This feeling can be both physically uncomfortable and mentally disconcerting. For many women, it serves as a constant reminder of the internal disruption, making everyday activities like sitting, walking, or even resting a challenge.
Understanding the anatomy helps. As the rectum descends and protrudes, it can lead to pressure on the vaginal wall or the perineum. This pressure is what results in the sensation of “sitting on a ball.” It’s a distinct feeling, one that’s hard to ignore or dismiss.
Furthermore, this symptom, while not painful in the traditional sense, can lead to discomfort over extended periods. It can affect posture, gait, and even one’s choice of clothing or seating. Acknowledging its profound impact on daily life is crucial.(8)