Symptom 5: Photosensitivity – The Sun’s Dark Side

For many, the sun is a symbol of vitality and health. But for shingles sufferers, it can represent a challenge. Photosensitivity, or heightened sensitivity to light, particularly sunlight, is another curious symptom of this condition.
Suddenly, everyday environments can feel overwhelmingly bright. A stroll outdoors or a drive on a sunny day becomes an ordeal. The sunlight seems harsher, more piercing. The eyes rebel, squinting, watering, and seeking shade. But it’s not just about visual discomfort. The skin, already besieged by the rash and tingling, feels more vulnerable under the sun’s rays.
This aversion to light isn’t arbitrary. The inflamed nerves, already sensitive, react more intensely to stimuli, including sunlight. The skin, in the throes of a shingles outbreak, becomes more susceptible to UV rays, intensifying the discomfort.
Adapting to this symptom requires changes. Sunglasses become more than a fashion accessory; they’re a necessity. Hats, umbrellas, and seeking shade become integral to daily life. Indoors, dimming lights or drawing curtains can offer respite. (5)