Symptom 2: Unexplained Weight Loss

Stepping on the scale and noticing a drop in weight, when you haven’t been trying, can initially seem like a cause for celebration. But when this weight loss comes without reason – no changes in diet, no increased physical activity – it raises concerns. For those with SRCC, this unexplained weight loss is a glaring warning sign.
What’s happening behind the scenes is worrisome. The body, due to the malignancy, starts using up energy at an accelerated rate. Despite consuming the same amount or even more food, weight loss continues. This isn’t the healthy weight loss many aspire for; it’s the body losing its battle, trying to keep up with the energy demands the cancer creates.
The stomach plays a crucial role in nutrient absorption. With SRCC, the abnormal cells interfere with this process. Essential nutrients don’t get assimilated properly, leading to deficiencies. This not only causes weight loss but also weakens the body, making it susceptible to other infections and complications.
Apart from the absorption issues, SRCC affects metabolism. The body, in its attempt to fight the cancer, starts burning calories faster. This heightened metabolic rate, combined with poor nutrient absorption, compounds the weight loss. (2)