Symptom 6: Early Satiety

One of the simplest pleasures in life is to eat to one’s content. However, for individuals battling SRCC, this basic delight is curtailed. They often feel full after consuming a tiny amount of food. This feeling, known as early satiety, isn’t just about not being able to enjoy a meal fully; it’s a red flag signaling that all’s not well in the digestive tract.
Sure, we all have days when we’re not that hungry, but imagine feeling full after just a few bites, day in and day out. That’s the reality for many with SRCC. This isn’t just a whimsical shift in appetite; it’s the stomach’s reduced capacity to hold food. As signet ring cells proliferate and tumors grow, they can occupy substantial space, limiting how much the stomach can expand.
SRCC tumors, laden with signet ring cells, can interfere with the stomach’s natural ability to stretch and accommodate food. But there’s more. These tumors can also disrupt the coordinated contractions that move food along the digestive tract. When these contractions, called peristalsis, are disturbed, food doesn’t move as seamlessly, contributing to that premature feeling of fullness.
For those experiencing early satiety, it’s vital not to dismiss it as a mere “off day”. Consistent episodes warrant attention. Ensuring smaller, nutrient-rich meals can help mitigate the nutrient deficit. However, the key is to address the root cause. Identifying SRCC early can offer a broader array of treatment options and potentially alleviate this symptom. (6)