10 Telltale Symptoms of Strep Throat: Spot Them Early for Fast Treatment

6. Nausea or Vomiting – The Gastrointestinal Rebellion

Nausea or Vomiting – The Gastrointestinal Rebellion

Strep throat doesn’t always confine its impact to the throat. Sometimes, it incites a rebellion in the stomach, leading to nausea or vomiting, especially in children.

Nausea creeps in, an unsettling prelude to potential vomiting. It’s as if the stomach is in distress, caught in the crossfire of the infection.

Vomiting, when it occurs, is a forceful ally of the body, attempting to expel the invaders. It’s an unpleasant and forceful reaction that can take a toll on an already weakened body.

These gastrointestinal symptoms are disruptive, adding to the misery of strep throat. They underscore the infection’s severity and the need for a comprehensive treatment plan. (6)

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