10 Telltale Symptoms of Strep Throat: Spot Them Early for Fast Treatment

7. Headache – The Pounding Companion

Headache – The Pounding Companion

A headache often accompanies strep throat, adding a layer of discomfort to an already painful experience. It’s not just a mild headache; this can be a pounding companion to the sore throat.

The pain typically sets in around the forehead and temples. It’s a throbbing sensation that makes concentration and even simple thought processes feel like a chore.

Light and sound can become irritants, with the headache creating a heightened sensitivity. It’s as though the senses are on high alert, with the headache amplifying every stimulus.

This relentless headache is more than just a nuisance; it’s a drain on the body’s already depleted resources. It’s a clear indicator that the infection is systemic, affecting more than just the throat. (7)

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