10 Telltale Symptoms of Strep Throat: Spot Them Early for Fast Treatment

9. Body Aches and General Malaise – The Overwhelming Fatigue

Body Aches and General Malaise – The Overwhelming Fatigue

Strep throat brings with it an overall feeling of illness, a general malaise that hangs over you like a dark cloud. This isn’t simply feeling under the weather—it’s being in the eye of the storm.

Body aches are pervasive, with a deep-seated pain that seems to emanate from your very bones. Each movement reminds you of the battle being waged within.

Muscles you didn’t even know existed suddenly throb with pain, a reminder of the infection’s reach. The discomfort can be widespread, from the arches of your feet to the tips of your fingers.

This malaise is accompanied by an overwhelming fatigue. Your body, spending so much energy fighting the infection, leaves you feeling drained, like someone’s pulled the plug on your energy reserves. (9)

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