Symptom 3: Smaller Size

Size matters, especially when it comes to skin growths and anomalies. Flat warts, in their initial stages, are notably tiny – often the size of a pinhead. This minute size can sometimes be both a boon and a bane.
Given their small stature, they don’t immediately raise alarms. Unlike more prominent growths that demand immediate attention, these tiny invaders might go unnoticed for longer durations. It’s only when they grow or multiply that an individual becomes aware of their presence.
Yet, it’s essential to remember that size isn’t indicative of the potential complications or spread. These warts, despite their small size, can cluster and spread, leading to larger affected areas. Regular monitoring can assist in tracking their growth and spread.
Moreover, size can play a role in treatment. Smaller warts might respond better to treatments, making early identification and intervention paramount. It’s always easier to address a smaller issue than wait for it to escalate. (3)