10 Undeniable Symptoms of Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (JPS) Every Parent Must Recognize

Symptom 7: Feeling of Fullness

Feeling of Fullness

Imagine your child pushing away their favorite meal, complaining they feel full despite barely eating. While it might be easy to dismiss this as a one-off or a result of over-snacking, consistent feelings of fullness might be signaling the presence of JPS.

When polyps are densely clustered, particularly in the stomach region, they can lead to a sensation of fullness. These growths take up space and can often interfere with the stomach’s capacity to expand as it typically would after a meal.

This symptom, while subtle, can be quite telling. Parents might notice their child eating smaller portions, complaining of bloating, or even showing a distinct aversion to larger meals. These aren’t just whims; they’re potential distress signals from a beleaguered digestive system.

Over time, reduced food intake due to these feelings of fullness can lead to other complications. From malnutrition to weight loss and decreased energy, the ripple effects can be significant.

Persistent feelings of fullness should prompt a closer look. Especially when paired with other JPS indicators, such sensations should be seen not as mere dietary quirks but as potential signposts pointing towards an underlying condition. (7)

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