Symptom 6: A Sensation of Incomplete Bowel Movements

The sensation of not being entirely ‘done’ after a bowel movement is not just frustrating but also uncomfortable. This feeling, often described as incomplete evacuation, frequently ties back to hemorrhoids, specifically internal ones.
This internal variety, nestled within the rectum, can swell and expand, leading to a sensation that there’s still more to pass, even when there isn’t. Such a feeling isn’t just about physical discomfort but also disrupts mental peace. It’s a nagging reminder, making one constantly conscious about their bowel state.
Now, the mechanics behind this sensation are multifaceted. When these hemorrhoids swell, they occupy space, creating a physical barrier. As stool passes, it may brush against these swollen vessels, leaving behind that distinct feeling of incompletion.
But the ramifications extend beyond mere sensation. The persistent feeling of needing another bowel movement can lead individuals to spend extended periods on the toilet, straining and hoping for relief. This straining, ironically, can exacerbate the hemorrhoids, leading to a vicious cycle of discomfort and worsening symptoms.(6)