10 Vital Facts About Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer) Prognosis Everyone Should Know

Fact 9: The Interplay of Lifestyle and Diet

The Interplay of Lifestyle and Diet

While genes form one part of the story, the narrative of lifestyle and diet is equally compelling. The choices we make daily, from the food on our plates to our exercise regimens, play a role in the story of stomach cancer. Some might say, “We are what we eat,” and in the context of gastric cancer, this adage holds water.

Firstly, let’s discuss the dietary culprits. High salt intake, preserved foods, and diets low in fruits and vegetables have all been implicated in increasing stomach cancer risk. In contrast, a diet rich in fresh produce and fibers, loaded with antioxidants, may offer protective benefits. The rationale? These foods combat free radicals, rogue molecules that can cause DNA damage, potentially leading to cancer.

But it’s not just about food. Alcohol consumption and smoking are two lifestyle choices that up the ante. Both these habits are like pouring gasoline on an open flame, significantly amplifying the risk. The chemicals in cigarettes and excessive alcohol are known carcinogens, causing wear and tear at the cellular level.

Exercise, the unsung hero, enters the fray, offering both direct and indirect benefits. Regular physical activity maintains a healthy weight, reducing the risk of various cancers. But beyond weight, exercise modulates various hormones and growth factors, creating an environment less conducive to cancer development. (9)

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