10 Vital Facts Everyone Should Know About Gastric Ulcer

Fact 3: Complications If Left Untreated

Complications If Left Untreated

Ignoring the symptoms of a gastric ulcer isn’t just about bearing the discomfort. Over time, untreated ulcers can escalate, leading to grave complications. The immediate sensation of burning or gnawing pain might seem manageable, but beneath that, a storm brews. With every passing day, the ulcer might be burrowing deeper into the stomach wall.

One of the most common complications from untreated ulcers is bleeding. What starts as minute spots of blood can turn into a significant hemorrhage. This internal bleeding, often unnoticed until it’s severe, can lead to anemia, leaving individuals feeling exhausted or breathless due to a decrease in red blood cells. In extreme cases, the bleeding can become life-threatening, requiring immediate hospitalization and blood transfusions.

Another dire consequence is perforation. This is where the ulcer eats through the stomach wall, creating an opening. This breach allows the stomach contents, including strong digestive acids, to spill into the abdominal cavity. It’s a critical condition that can lead to peritonitis—an inflammation of the inner lining of the abdomen. Immediate medical attention is paramount, often necessitating surgical intervention.

Lastly, untreated ulcers can result in obstruction. This happens when the ulcer, located at the end of the stomach, swells up, blocking the food’s passage into the small intestine. What follows is a series of discomforting symptoms—persistent vomiting, weight loss, and a feeling of fullness, even after consuming tiny amounts of food. It’s the body’s way of signaling that something’s amiss, and the usual digestive flow has been hampered.

The progression from a simple ulcer to these complications is a testament to the importance of timely medical intervention. Ignoring or dismissing symptoms, hoping they’ll fade, isn’t the route to take. The body is sending distress signals, and addressing them proactively can save one from the aforementioned dire consequences. (3)

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