10 Vital Facts You Need to Know About MALT Lymphoma (Maltoma) Survival Rate

5. Skin Manifestations: MALT Lymphoma’s External Signals

Skin Manifestations MALT Lymphoma's External Signals

Our skin is our largest organ, often signaling underlying health conditions. MALT lymphoma can sometimes present through skin changes, such as rashes, lumps, or even patches of discolored skin.

At first, these skin changes might be shrugged off as allergic reactions, insect bites, or merely effects of aging. But if they persist, evolve in appearance, or are accompanied by other symptoms, it might be MALT lymphoma silently signaling its presence.

Such skin manifestations aren’t typically itchy or painful, distinguishing them from common skin concerns. Instead, they persistently remain, sometimes growing in size or number. An emerging lump, a reddish or purplish patch, or even a lesion that doesn’t heal should be viewed with a degree of suspicion.(5)

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