10 Vital Facts You Need to Know About MALT Lymphoma (Maltoma) Survival Rate

7. Fatigue Factors: The Overwhelming Exhaustion Courtesy of MALT Lymphoma

Fatigue Factors The Overwhelming Exhaustion Courtesy of MALT Lymphoma

Everyone feels tired now and then, but the fatigue associated with MALT lymphoma is different. It’s a profound, persistent tiredness that doesn’t go away with rest. Patients often describe feeling drained constantly, with even simple tasks seeming Herculean.

Such fatigue isn’t merely the result of a late night or overexertion. It’s an unshakeable exhaustion that can affect both physical and mental faculties. Alongside, there might be unexplained muscle weakness, where limbs might feel heavy or tasks requiring grip or strength become progressively challenging.

Sleep disturbances might accompany this fatigue. Even after seemingly long hours of sleep, one might wake up feeling unrefreshed. This isn’t the occasional insomnia or restless night; it’s a pattern of disrupted sleep that compounds the fatigue. (7)

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