10 Vital Facts You Need to Know About MALT Lymphoma (Maltoma) Survival Rate

8. Unusual Bruising or Bleeding: MALT Lymphoma’s Hematological Hints

Unusual Bruising or Bleeding MALT Lymphoma’s Hematological Hints

Our blood, a vital lifeline, can sometimes show signs of MALT lymphoma’s presence. A common manifestation can be bruising. These aren’t the typical bruises one gets after bumping into furniture; these are unexplained, often large, and appear without any known trauma.

Coupled with this, there might be frequent nosebleeds or bleeding gums. Such incidents might initially be brushed off as the result of dry air or aggressive tooth brushing. However, when they recur or are coupled with the aforementioned bruising, they paint a different picture.

Patients might also observe petechiae – small, pinpoint, red spots that appear on the skin. These are the result of tiny blood vessels called capillaries breaking just below the skin’s surface, often indicative of hematological disruptions, potentially due to MALT lymphoma. (8)

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