10 Vital Facts You Need to Know About MALT Lymphoma (Maltoma) Survival Rate

9. Loss of Appetite and Nausea: MALT Lymphoma’s Digestive Red Flags

Loss of Appetite and Nausea MALT Lymphoma’s Digestive Red Flags

The digestive system can sometimes be a direct or indirect target of MALT lymphoma. A pronounced symptom can be a persistent loss of appetite. This isn’t the occasional dip in hunger post a large meal; it’s a prolonged disinterest in food, leading to significant unintentional weight loss.

Such appetite loss might be accompanied by persistent nausea. This constant queasy feeling can make even the thought of food unappealing. It’s not linked to food intake, and antacids or common digestive aids might not offer relief.

In more severe cases, there might be instances of vomiting, not linked to any known digestive infections or food poisoning. These episodes, especially when they occur without a clear trigger, can be concerning. (9)

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