Symptom 4: Fatigue and Weakness

We’ve all felt the weight of a sleepless night. But the fatigue associated with liver issues is different—it’s pervasive, deep-seated, and often unrelated to one’s sleep cycle. This exhaustion isn’t merely about feeling drowsy; it’s about a significant dip in energy levels, a kind of weakness that seeps into bones.
Our liver is crucial for energy production. It helps store glycogen, a primary energy source, and regulates blood sugar levels to ensure our body gets its steady energy supply. However, when liver function dwindles, this regulation goes awry. Blood sugar fluctuations can lead to energy dips, translating into feelings of constant fatigue.
Weakness might manifest in subtle ways initially. Perhaps climbing a flight of stairs becomes more daunting, or routine tasks like grocery shopping feel Herculean. This decline in physical strength isn’t just about muscle mass—it’s a direct result of the liver failing to provide the body with its necessary energy supplies.(4)