13 Acute Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms: Recognizing Severe UC

4. Fatigue and Weakness: The Debilitating Effects of Severe Ulcerative Colitis

Fatigue and Weakness The Debilitating Effects of Severe Ulcerative Colitis

Fatigue and weakness are common symptoms experienced by individuals with severe ulcerative colitis. The ongoing inflammation, frequent diarrhea, and other symptoms of the condition can take a significant toll on the body, leading to persistent tiredness and a lack of energy. In some cases, anemia – a deficiency of red blood cells – may develop as a result of blood loss from the inflamed colon, further contributing to fatigue and weakness.

It is essential for individuals with severe UC to work with their healthcare provider to address fatigue and weakness. This may involve blood tests to determine the cause of the anemia and appropriate treatment, such as iron supplements or blood transfusions. Additionally, healthcare providers may recommend lifestyle changes, such as prioritizing rest, engaging in gentle exercise, and maintaining a balanced diet to help support energy levels and overall well-being. (4)

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