13 Acute Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms: Recognizing Severe UC

7. Joint Pain and Swelling: Extra-Intestinal Manifestations of Severe Ulcerative Colitis

Joint Pain and Swelling Extra-Intestinal Manifestations of Severe Ulcerative Colitis

Joint pain and swelling are common extra-intestinal manifestations of severe ulcerative colitis, affecting up to 30% of individuals with the condition. This is typically a result of inflammation in the joints, known as arthropathy. The most commonly affected joints include the knees, ankles, wrists, and elbows, but any joint can be impacted.

The severity of joint pain and swelling can vary, and in some cases, it may be debilitating and significantly impact daily activities. It is essential for individuals with severe UC experiencing these symptoms to consult their healthcare provider for a comprehensive assessment and appropriate treatment plan. This may include medications to control inflammation, pain management strategies, and physical therapy to maintain joint function and mobility. (7)

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