Symptom 15. Persistent Cough: The Troublesome Respiratory Symptom of Aortic Stenosis

A persistent cough might seem innocuous at first, perhaps a remnant of a recent cold or flu. But when it lingers, persisting beyond the usual recovery time, it might be a hint at something more severe lurking beneath the surface. If aortic stenosis has infiltrated your body, that troublesome cough might not be as simple as it seems.
When the aortic valve is narrowed due to aortic stenosis, the heart must work harder to pump blood. The increase in pressure can force fluid into the lungs, leading to a persistent cough. You might feel the need to clear your throat constantly or even experience a hoarse voice.
What makes this cough different from a typical cough is its persistence. It doesn’t subside with over-the-counter medications or home remedies. Instead, it continues to nag, becoming an unwelcome companion. It’s a deceptive symptom, masquerading as a minor inconvenience but indicating something far more serious.
However, a persistent cough is more than just a throat irritation. It’s an alarm, sounding the alert about the possible presence of aortic stenosis. It’s a testament to the fact that aortic stenosis has far-reaching effects, extending beyond the realm of cardiovascular symptoms.
A persistent cough is more than just a nuisance or a leftover from the common cold. It’s a potential red flag indicating aortic stenosis, trying to gain your attention amidst the daily clamor of life. Uncovering its true meaning is a step towards understanding the larger picture of your health and well-being. (15)